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Mostrando entradas de mayo, 2020

5º last week 8th-17th June

SESSION 1 Watch the video: (Está también en richmond digital, 5º, vídeos, unit 5) Page 40 activity book exercises 1and 2.   Session 2 Pahe 40. Exercise 3 Send the picture after you complete it to:  SESSION 3 Describe your teacher. Describe a tu tutor o tutora. Here you have some information about the teachers: Aquí va información sobre los maestros:  DESCRIBE YOUR TEACHER 5ºA Marisa 5ºB Juampi 5ºC Alba Character (en presente) Friendly, quiet Sporty and loves recycling Talkative and friendly Good at (en pasado) maths PE, Spanish and science Science and art Not Good at (en pasado) English maths music Envíalo junto al dossier del tema 5. Send it together with the dossier of unit 5.  Good Work!!!!

PLÁSTICA: Gustav Klimt-The Kiss (week1st-5th June)

Watch this video Let´s represent this painting `The Kiss´ Examples of children representing Klint Estos son ejemplos de niños representando a Klint 

5º week 1st-5th June

Homework: page 39 exercise 3. Read the text. Lee el texto. Page 39. exercise 3  Put the sentences in order. Write true or false. Lee el texto. Pon las frases en orden. Escribe si son verdaderas (T) o falsas (F).

5º PLÁSTICA: Gustav Klimt- THE TREE OF LIFE (18th-22nd May)

Watch this video about KLIMT We are going to represent his picture  `The Tree of Life´ HAZ ESTE CUADRO DE KLIMT Here you have an example of a representation of this painting by a child.  Este es un ejemplo de una representación de este cuadro por un niño. 

5º vídeos e imágenes de apoyo 5th GRADE week 18th-22nd May

Let´s describe people!  Vamos a describir a personas. Recuerda tus deberes son describirte a ti mismo y a otra persona (él o ella, he o she). 2 descripciones: tú y otra persona (él o ella) Remember your homework is to describe yourself and another person (he or she). In this video you can remember the vocabulary and the verbs that we use to describe people:   I am/you are/he is/she is: verbo ser o estar   I have got/I´ve got or I have/ He has got, he´s got or he has, etc. son las diferentes formas del verbo tener. PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION PERSONALITY

3° little artists of 3rd grade

5º QUINTO week 25th-29th May

SESSION 1 Page 38 activity book. SESSION 2 Page 39 activity book. Exercise 1 and 2 Vídeo de listening para el ejercicio 1:

5° artists 5th grade Kadinsky

LOOK AND COMMENT  You can comment about the pictures that you like more and your friends can read your comments! 1. It's very beautiful! I love the different sizes, materials and textures 2. 3. I love the colours 4. It´s interesting 5. Wow! It´s so exciting, full of life! 6. I love this picture. It´s full of movement and colours 7. It´s very nice 8. I like the intensity and the mixture of colours 9. It´s interesting 10. I love this picture very much! I like the use of buttons and other elements, creating texture. It´s brilliant! 11. I like the use of different colours and paint and paper 12. It´s nice. I like the use of pencil and also watercolour 13. It´s brilliant! I like the piano, the musical notes and the different shapes flying like music! I love it! 14. This picture is brilliant! I love the use of different materials and also recycle materials like magazines. I love the circles cut and glued....